Changelog 11/24/2022
Cost Check
This is a new feature on the inventory page that is designed to help track down $0 cost items in inventory. Managers please familiarize yourself with this page and clear the page of all items ASAP. This page will be a tool for tracking down cost bugs in the system.
Scan in History
Renamed to “Goods Receipts”
A Vendor Filter has been added as well.
The “Process” button has been renamed to “Create Goods Receipt”
Vendors filter has been added to assist narrowing the results.
Report naming feature has been added.
Selected items will remain at the top of the page when clearing a search.
Brand Groupings
This feature has been renamed to “Vendors” and many areas of the page will reflect this name change.
Account Receivables Aging Summary
The “Time periods” filter has been renamed the “Past Due” filter and current has been added as an option within this filter and set as the default.
Order Reports Page
Brand filter has been renamed “Vendors”
Cost for like models can be easily auto-filled if one of them has already been entered in that PO batch.
Product Page
The product page now has a link to view that model in inventory.
Inventory-Location Filter
Multi-select has been enabled for this filter.