βWATCH THE FUN VIDEO HERE or read the article below, your choice!
Hop on over to Product Catalogue right from the settings page.
This is your Product Catalogue. You have brands, categories, and conditions in the tabs along the top.
Notice you can slide each brand on or off. Slide on every brand you will have in your inventory.
The Brands re-arrange; See how when you toggle one off, they re-arrange. This is to always keep the active brands at the top of your list.
There's that edit pencil again, off to the right at the end of the row. Use it to edit your brand names.
Add a custom brand: Incase we don't have a Brand loaded that you sell, just pop it in with the "Add Custom Brand" button.
Name it and move on! Some Clients use this to add small items they might sell at the register, like range cords for example. Anything that would not be serialized.
You can expand the items shown on the page at the bottom left. Keep in mind many of the pages you will come across have the option to expand the amount of items shown, to make things move faster!
There's that archive icon again, last icon in the row to the far right. Archive any brands you don't want to show on your list.
Tab over at the top to Categories.
This is your category map.
Categories are defined at sub-levels for a certain group of appliances directly related to each other.
Visualize your inventory: This is really just a mapping visual so you can see how all of your categories are listed in the system. We have them all pre-loaded for you.
Add a custom category: You might need to add a new category. For example, maybe you sell dryer ducts, PEX piping, or other random items you want to organize. Just use this guy!
Tab over at the top to the third option, conditions.
Conditions are designated based on the physical state of an appliance. The only exception to this rule is using the "Floor Model" condition. Just choose add a new condition from the top right there and follow the prompts, pretty simple.
Notice the toggle to the right to turn this condition ON or OFF for the digital floor tags.
Most clients would choose the default as new so when you are loading up inventory it's already selected for you, but's your choice of course.
Use the edit pencil for changes at any time.
The last icon in these rows is the good old trash ca, delete as you wish!
Keep in mind, at least 1 condition must always remain active at all times.