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Resolving the warning "This Zip Code has not been set up for delivery"
Resolving the warning "This Zip Code has not been set up for delivery"

If you have an order with a delivery zip code outside what you have specified in your settings, this is how we resolve it!

Katie Bange avatar
Written by Katie Bange
Updated over a week ago

Ok Let's learn the quick Fix for this warning message you might get on your orders with delivery locations outside the delivery area you have set

Warning Message

If you get this zip code error warning at the top of your screen,

Click 'Order #39-9646       Order Date:

this means the zip code has not yet been entered into your "delivery zones" and "pricing zones". This can be done in settings under Delivery Schedule. The order cannot progress until this is done.

A manager will be needed

Settings: Delivery Schedule

a manager can get it added! Copy that zip code and Hop over to delivery schedule on the settings page

Click 'Delivery Schedule'

Edit the Delivery Zone

Edit the zone you want to add the zip code too

Click here

and just paste in your zip code here !! This allows deliveries to be set inside this zip code.

Pop it in at the end of the list!

Edit the Pricing Zone

Look down just a bit and Drop down pricing Zones,

Click 'Pricing Zones

Edit the zone here too.

Click here

and again, paste the zip code at the end and don't forget that comma!

pop her in and your good to go!

This will allow any additional delivery zone charges you’ve specified to be applied accordingly to each order.

Refresh your order & done!

refresh your order and the error message will be cleared

Refresh your order and the error message will be cleared!

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