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First Steps in Working with AIO
First Steps in Working with AIO

Learn the Process

Katie Bange avatar
Written by Katie Bange
Updated over a month ago


First, you'll want to register on the platform, its Free and allows us to set up your defaults in the system. We will collect some basic info from you, it can be edited later but the more accurate details you provide will ensure an easier flow once you are moving around in the platform.

Head over to and click "Get Started".
Follow the prompts and answer those quick questions.



Have you had a meeting with us yet to determine how your needs integrate with our solutions?

3. Do you know how to easily connect with us?

Whether you have questions now or ideas to share and issues that need addressed later, watch this quick video on how to keep good communication with us.


You can send it through a chat on the platform or via email to [email protected] if your already working with Katie. We will have our developer team load it right up into the system so you have access right away. This process can potentially take up to 12 hours, so we will let you know when you are good to go.

Once we have it loaded, you will be able to play around in the platform, creating quotes and just poking around.

4. Existing Customer Base

If you already have an existing customer base that you would like to carry-over to the platform, just send those contacts over to [email protected] and we will load it up for you and let you know when it's good to go!


Ready to level the playing field and have us build you an intuitive, user-friendly and seamlessly integrated website? Our custom build will make payments effortless, connect to the delivery automation & scheduling features, link to your digital price tags and show off your products beautifully.

Please follow this Link to Send us your preferences on how you want us to design your website!


Our payment system is comprehensive, offers seamless integration, enhanced security and real-time updates. AIO Pay is used for online payments, consumer financing and bank transfers.

We are currently supporting the following, adding more soon so please ask if you want to use something additional and we can probably make that happen.

Once we have had a meeting and have confirmed your store details and locations we will send you an application link. If you still need to chat with us, follow the link below!


We can integrate your protection plan provider easily. This way the system will automatically notify your provider when a new plan has been activated through an order. This eliminates the need for plan activation or any follow-ups. It's a HUGE time saver on your end!

We currently integrate with the following Protection Plan Providers. If you use something different, let us know and we could potentially arrange an integration.

During your Onboarding call, we will determine which provider you are going with and if you are not currently set up - we will connect you to them so you can set up an account.


Once we have discussed and arranged all the points on this page, you are good to get started in learning about the system and configuring all of your settings. This is a very important step that will take a bit of time, but its a one-time thing and crucial to having the system perform exactly as you intend!

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