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How to Create a Quote
How to Create a Quote

A guide to Quote creation in

Website Admin avatar
Written by Website Admin
Updated over a week ago

Watch this video or read the article below, your choice!

Start a Quote

Getting started is easy! Just click the Start a Quote button at the top of any page, right next to the company logo.

Click 'Start a Quote'

Is your customer new or are they an existing customer?

Classify The Customer

Is your customer an individual? Or are they associate with a company?

Classify The Customer

Enter the customer details:

Enter The Customer's Name

First name and last name,

Enter The Customer's Name

then phone numbers,

Enter The Customer's Name

*Note: If you enter a phone number that is already in the system, a warning pop-up will appear so you can choose the correct customer. If you cancel this warning box, be aware you will now have multiple customers in the system with the same phone number.

Click 'Warning! close'

next, enter your e-mail.

Enter The Customer's Name

Start typing the address and the system will auto-populate based off of google maps.

Click 'Tax Exempted'

At the bottom of this page, we have the default set to keep the delivery address the same as billing. You can uncheck this if you wish, or change it on the actual order also.

Click 'Tax Exempted'

If you have activate "How did you hear about us" feature in settings, this is where that question is posed to your salesperson.

Click 'Tax Exempted'

After entering all required info, click Next to proceed. If a duplicate entry warning pops up: review the options carefully or choose the correct customer profile to keep records accurate. Easy as that!

Click 'Tax Exempted'


Notice you have a quote number now.

Click 'Quote #39-9446'

We have set a 2-week expiration date on all quotes. This is for tracking purposes and following up on customers you may have forgotten about.

Click 'Quote #39-9446'

This is your delivery information; you can change it with the edit pencil if you need to.

Click 'Quote #39-9446'

Notice the location where the quote was generated from.

Click 'Quote #39-9446'

To add an item to the quote, select + line item. We have all of the appliance data already loaded.

Click 'Quote #39-9446'

Select the item your looking for.

Click 'Quote #39-9446'

Your system will already have prices loaded after you select the item.

Click 'Quote #39-9446'

Notice now your price is reflected.

Click 'Notes  add
            Add Notes'

You now have a running total at the bottom.

Click 'Notes  add
            Add Notes'

The next step is to choose the fulfilment type.

Click 'Notes  add
            Add Notes'

A pop-up box comes up. Notice your options at the top, each has different selections inside their tabs.

Click '240V Electric Dryer Standard Install (includes 5' dryer cord & flex vent)'

Here I chose "pre-set installs",

Click '240V Electric Dryer Standard Install (includes 5' dryer cord & flex vent)'

then "Electric Dryer Standard Install", just to demonstrate.

Click 'Save'

You can continue to add line items as you need to.

Click 'Notes  add
            Add Notes'

For a simple view, you can collapse the details of each line item, by clicking the arrow.

Click 'Notes  add
            Add Notes'

This is where you can add protection plans. You add them for each separate line item, if needed.

Click 'Notes  add
            Add Notes'

You can add various types of haul away options, if you have chosen to offer them.

Click 'Notes  add
            Add Notes'

Notice you have a running total calculated and broken down at the bottom.

Click 'Notes  add
            Add Notes'

Our auto-scheduling tool is AWESOME! If you have it flipped on, once the items are in stock your customer receives a customized delivery message and they can choose the date for delivery. All these specs are set up by you, of course.

Click 'Notes  add
            Add Notes'

You can add notes to your quote.

Click 'Notes  add
            Add Notes'

You can add notes to your quote and be specific about who can see them. Delivery notes are printed on the invoice and shared with the driver. Customer notes are shared with the customer and printed, while Company notes are internal only.


From here you simply add payment.

Click 'Notes  add
            Add Notes'


We have lots of payment types you can choose.


In BlockChyp, you can choose Credit Card,


Phone Payment,


and Email Invoice.


In Financing, you can choose Synchrony,


Wells Fargo,




and Snap.


In Manual Entry you can choose Credit Card,

Manual Entry


Manual Entry


Manual Entry

Bank Transfer,

Manual Entry

and Write-Off.

Manual Entry

Next, you can choose Credit Line,

Credit Line

AIO Pay,


or Rebates.


*Note: you can choose to switch on/off which payment methods you like in Settings > Basic Settings > Payments.

After you chose the type of the payment, by clicking paid in full, the total order amount will pop in.

Click 'Apply Deposit/Payment'

Don't forget to hit apply.



After the order is paid, the Quote is now an Order with same number as the Quote.


The note for the delivery guy shows here on the order. It will be printed on the invoice and passed along to the driver on the routing page if you are using the drivers app. (It Rocks fyi!)


This is the Select Action Menu: lots of functions here, including downloading the invoice.


If you get this zip code error warning at the top of your screen, this means the zip code has not yet been entered into your "delivery zones" and "pricing zones". This can be done in settings under Delivery Schedule. The order cannot progress until this is done.


That's it! You’re now can create Quotes easily! See you in the next time!

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