Watch this video or read the article below, your choice!
Welcome to your guide to create a quote in! Say goodbye to duplicate entries and hello to smooth, efficient quoting. Let’s dive in!
Quote Information
Getting started is easy! Just click the Start a Quote button at the top of any page, right next to the company logo.
Choose individual or company
then, Enter the customer details: name, phone number, and e-mails
Start typing the address and the system will auto-populate based off of google maps.
After entering all required info, click Next to proceed. If a duplicate entry warning pops up: Review the options carefully or choose the correct customer profile to keep records accurate. Easy as that!
My Quote
Notice you have a quote number now
We have a set 2 weeks expiration date, really just for your reference and keeping track
Delivery info marked "same as billing" - you can change by using the edit pencil
Notice the location where the quote was generated from
Select + Line Item - and start typing a model number. we have all appliance data already loaded.
Select the item your looking for.
Your system will already have prices loaded after you select the item.
Notice now your prices is reflected
You now have a running total at the bottom
Next step is to choose fulfilment (method of delivery)
A pop-up box comes up. Notice your options at the top, each has different selections inside, you will see all of these up customer as to how you run your business. This is part of onboarding fyi - I HELP!
Here I chose a "pre-set installs,
then "240V Electric Dryer Standard Install (includes 5' dryer cord & flex vent)" just to demonstrate.
You can continue to add line items
Collapse each items details for easier viewing
I added protection plans for each item: Again, we will set this up for you during onboarding
You can add various types of haul away options, if you offer this
Running total calculated and broken down at the bottom
Our auto-scheduling tool is AWESOME! If you have it flipped on, once the items are in stock your customer receives a customized delivery message and they can choose the date for delivery. All these specs are set up by you, of course.
You can add notes to your quote
You can be specific about the note, like add description, add attachments, etc. We can go through all of the options here.
From here you simply add payment.
Again, these will all be set up per your specifications to make it simple for your sales people.
My Order
After the order is paid, The Quote is now an Order with the same number as the quote
The note for the delivery guy shows here on the order, will be printed on the invoice and also will passed along to the driver on the routing page if you are using the drivers app. (It Rocks fyi!)
This is the Select Action Menu: lots of functions here, including downloading the invoice.
This zip code error message will probably also populate on your quotes until we set up your deliverable areas during onboarding. The system will not allow the order to continue to the next step (which would be reserving stock) until this is resolved.
That's it! You’re now ready to create quotes with confidence! Thanks for watching, and See you in the next video!