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My Quotes Guide

This is a guide to the My Quotes page in

Nisa avatar
Written by Nisa
Updated over 2 months ago

This is a guide to the My Quotes page in

The My Quotes page provides users with quick access to all their quotes, allowing for efficient management and tracking of active and expired quotes. This guide covers every key feature and function available on the My Quotes page to help users leverage the platform for optimized quote handling and improved conversion rates.

The page is divided into two main tabs:

  • Active Quotes Tab: Displays all current and valid quotes.

  • Expired Quotes Tab: Contains quotes that have exceeded the two-week activity period without being converted into orders.

Below the tabs, quotes are listed chronologically, with the newest appearing first. Each quote number can be clicked to open the quote in a separate tab for detailed review or editing.

The search bar allows you to find specific quotes by entering:

  • Customer information (name, contact, etc.)

  • Model numbers of products associated with quotes.

This feature is especially useful for tracking quotes with specific products or identifying opportunities for follow-ups when models experience price reductions.

Creating a New Quote

At the top-right corner, click the “Create New Quote” button to quickly navigate to the quote creation page. This shortcut allows for seamless access to the quote creation process, saving time for users who need to generate new quotes frequently.

How to Manage Quotes

  1. Active Quotes:

    • These are quotes within their two-week validity window.

    • If a customer makes a deposit, the quote remains active indefinitely, and the “Expires On” column will update to show “Deposit Received”.

  2. Expired Quotes:

    • Quotes move to the expired tab once they surpass the two-week window without action.

    • Expired quotes can be reactivated by:

      • Editing the expiration date directly at the top of the quote.

      • Modifying any details within the quote to refresh its status.

    • Note: Expired quotes are never deleted and remain accessible for future reference.

Tracking Totals and Performance

A totals section at the bottom of the page provides an aggregated view of the total dollar value for the quotes currently displayed.

  • Adjust the number of quotes shown per page using the pagination settings on the bottom-left corner to get updated totals.

  • This feature is helpful for assessing the financial impact of pending quotes within a given timeframe.

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