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My Reports Guide

This is a guide to the My Reports tab in

Jonathon Slyman avatar
Written by Jonathon Slyman
Updated over a week ago

This is a guide to the My Reports tab in

Start by selecting the My Reports tab, two options will be shown.

The first section will cover the commission report.

This report is a complete list of all items sold that have qualified for commission in the current month.

The date will be automatically filled with the current month. This can be edited to any date range that you would like to review.

Your name will be shown with the totals shown to the right.

To expand the information to show each item, click your name.

The data will expand to show each item and its impact on the total commission.


Returns will be shown in red. If the item was sold in a previous month then that commission will be deducted from the current month. If the purchase and the return occur in the same month both events will be shown and the impact on the total will be the difference.

Items with $0 cost

Some items will be shown in the report with $0 cost. These items are not yet included in the total. The cost must be entered to include them in the report totals. You will not receive a commission for items with no cost entered. If you see zeros on your report at the end of a pay period, reach out to your managers. Only the managers can edit the cost of items in

This section will cover the Spiffs Report

Appliance salespeople are entitled to the manufacturer incentives program known as Spiffs. This page is designed to collect the necessary information for every model sold to make it easier to input this information into the manufacturer portal.

Manufacturers often have rules that dictate what items qualify for a spiff. This report is unable to filter out these items. It will be the responsibility of each salesperson to effectively manage their spiffs and claim them in a timely manner.

If an item becomes ineligible it will not be removed from this report.

The date filter can be used to sort for a specific date range. It will default to today's date.

The Brand filter can be used to sort by brand.

Each row will contain the necessary information to claim the spiff.

Clicking the copy icon next to the order # will copy the entire row to the clipboard. This can be pasted in the manufacturer portal.

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