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Inventory Page Controls Guide
Inventory Page Controls Guide

This is a guide to the Inventory Page Controls in

Jonathon Slyman avatar
Written by Jonathon Slyman
Updated over a week ago

This is a guide to the Inventory Page Controls in

The inventory page can be found on the home bar across the top of the page.

The inventory page has many controls, buttons, filters, and features. Some of these are only available to certain employees at the company. If you are reading this guide it is written from the perspective of a SuperAdmin to demonstrate all the controls in one central guide.

If you cannot see or interact with a specific button or feature you can check the permission guide to verify that your account has the appropriate permissions/abilities. (Link Here)

Inventory management includes many of these features. To learn more about inventory management click here. (link here)

Inventory action buttons. Shown across the top on the right side.

Order Reports

Transfer inventory

Inventory Data Match

Add inventory

Receive Inventory

Each of these buttons serves a very specific purpose within the inventory and some employees will never interact with these controls.

Each of these buttons will be covered in detail in their own guide. (links here)

This guide begins with the Current Inventory tab and the filters shown just below

Current inventory is the subject of this guide and it will not be changed while discussing any of the features in this guide.

The filters that are shown across the top match the various categories that inventory can be categorized by.

Location - This filter will allow you to select from the various locations of the company to show only inventory in those locations selected.

Inventory Type - this filter will allow you to sort by the various stages that inventory can be in. For example, all “On Order” units, or all “Available Stock”.

Condition - This filter allows you to sort by the various conditions that are used to describe the state of a piece of inventory.

New Condition, will never have pictures, descriptions, or serial # since the unit is assumed to be in a box.

All other conditions can utilize pictures, descriptions, and serial #s to better organize their inventory. None of these are required and many items simply do not have them entered.

Brand - This filter allows you to sort through the various brands being held in inventory.

Categories - This filter allows you to sort through the categories of appliances. This filter will give you additional options once an option is selected. This will continue to till you have narrowed your search down to various features or dimensions or colors.

Model Search - This can be used to search for a known model number.

The Reset filter button will clear the filter selection

The export buttons will allow you to print a list of inventory for various purposes. Exporting will only take the items currently filtered.

The custom model toggle switch will show only custom models if activated.

The total in-stock items is shown on the left side.

The headers of each column can be clicked to change the sort from top to bottom.

Each item in inventory will have controls for each stage. These are shown with the blue arrows next to each QTY.

Each blue arrow will open a popup menu that allows you to view the individual units in that status. Each status has different details that are relevant to that status. These will be covered individually below.


The Request popup shows the currently requested items. These can be cleared out individually with the “Ordered” button or with the Order Reports Page. If you are looking for information about ordering inventory and using Order reports click here. (link Here)

These requests can be deleted using the trash can. It will remove the request from the order as well.

The “+Add” button can be used to add requests that are not tied to specific orders. This is useful when ordering extra units of a popular model.

On Order

The On Order popup will show all of the units currently on order from the manufacturer that have not yet arrived at the warehouse. These units can be reorganized based on the needs of customers. The info for each unit can be individually edited if there was a mistake when it was first entered.

The order number tile has two lines that can be clicked and dragged to move the order to a different place in the queue. This feature can impact the profit margins of the order being moved. This feature should only be used if the unit cost is largely the same.

The Assign button can be used to reserve a unit for an order without opening the order.

The unreserve button will unreserve this piece of inventory on that order. The order will need to have a new item reserved for it. All orders below will fill to take the empty space created.

If you are trying to move an order to the top of the queue you only need to reserve one of the units and then drag that order # to the top. The unreserve button is not needed to move an order to the top.

The delete button will unreserve the item on the order and remove the piece from inventory.

The “+Add” button can be used to add units that are not tied to a specific order. This is useful when ordering extra units of a popular model. This is button is used if the units were ordered before any action was taken in

Available Stock

The Available stock popup menu will show all of the units currently in inventory that are not yet sold to a customer. This page can update at any moment that an item is sold and reserved.

This popup has two versions depending on the condition of the inventory. New condition stock will not have access to Serial #s, Pictures, or descriptions and these fields will be empty and uneditable. Pictured below.

For all other conditions being used at the company, these fields can be entered and saved with each individual unit. Pictured below.

The +Add” button can be used to add additional units to available stock. Sometimes a unit is found on site that is not yet inventory and can be corrected using this button.

The Assign button can be used to reserve a unit for an order without opening the order.

The delete button will remove the piece from inventory.

Reserved Stock

The Reserved stock popup shows all of the currently reserved units in inventory. This popup will list the units in the order they were reserved. Oldest at the top.

The unreserve button can unreserve an item without opening the order. This is often done to give that unit to another customer. This button and the delete button will be disabled of the unit is scheduled for delivery.

This data can be exported and printed using the Export CSV button.

Average cost

The average cost is the average cost of that model per unit. This is only calculated with the units currently “In-Stock”. This is used to calculate the cost of all on-hand inventory for bookkeeping. Only actual unit cost will be relevant for most users.

Stock movement history

The green eyeball button can be clicked to see exactly how a model's inventory has changed over time. This page is difficult to read without some practice. This page is used best when an event or mistake occurs then tracing back from that event to the present. It is critical to figure out when the original mistake occurred to diagnose the ensuing mistakes. Otherwise, this page will appear impossible to read.

Delete Button

Each row in inventory will have a delete button. This button is capable of deleting the entire history of the model. It is critical that this button is only used to remove erroneous items from the inventory. Deleting the history of a model cannot be undone. This button will be disabled if there are Orders involved with that model.

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