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How To Create a Purchase Order
How To Create a Purchase Order
Katie Bange avatar
Written by Katie Bange
Updated over a week ago

A Purchase Order (PO) is a formal document issued by a retailer, distributor, or contractor to a manufacturer or supplier to request the purchase of specific appliances. It serves as a legally binding agreement that outlines the items, quantities, prices, and terms of the purchase.

We currently do not have a feature where orders can be placed directly with the manufacturer through the platform. However, this is on our roadmap. When you are creating a purchase order in the platform, you are simply creating a record of the actual purchase order you have placed, or are simultaneously placing with the manufacturer.

In most cases, you will create a purchase order from the currently requested items on orders in the system. This means an order has been created, paid for and the stock has been requested because it is not currently in stock.

If you are creating a purchase order for items that are not currently on request in the system, please refer to the bottom of this article.

1. Head over to the "Purchase Order" Icon from the Side-bar Menu

Notice that you have 2 tabs along the top that show Requested and Purchase Order History. All of your PO's will be saved for reference later under the history tab. They can also be exported from that page as well.

Let's go back under the Requested tab and take a look.

2. Filter Your Results

You have many filters you can use to narrow your search. These include Search Everything, Date Added, Location, Condition, Brand, Categories, Jobs and Needed by.

We have also defaulted the Needed By filter to "show immediate requests" (1) This way you are viewing the most readily needed requests as soon as you come to the page. You can change this however, simply by clicking in the field, to Deferred Requests or All.

Most Buyers would typically use the Brand filter to narrow their results here.

Notice in this example, I have selected Speed Queen from the Brand drop-down (2). The results immediately change to reflect only orders with Speed Queen items on them.

3. Select Items to be Added To Your Purchase Order

Next, you will select the orders you wish to include on your PO by checking the boxes on the far left side of each row (3). As soon as you start clicking orders, notice that the Add To Purchase Order button appears above the column (4). Make sure you select all the items you want to include on the PO.

NOTE: You can select all on this page by clicking the checkbox at the top of the checkbox column on the far left side.


4. Create Your Purchase Order

After clicking Add To Purchase Order, your pop-up window will appear. Typically, you would be simultaneously placing your order with the manufacturer, this way you can enter the necessary details in this next step.

  1. First, you will name your Purchase Order

  2. Select the estimated availability date that your manufacturer portal is displaying

  3. IF YOU KNOW the item is on the truck and headed your way: This is when we would recommend selecting a scheduled arrival date, it's considered more solid date.

  4. If the Item is displaying as backordered with your manufacturer, check the backordered checkbox.

  5. Confirm your costs are loaded and accurate, if you want to update these costs you can do directly in the field.

  6. Once you have confirmed all looks good - Click SAVE at the bottom right.

You'll notice once you have saved the PO, all of the items selected are removed from your current view.

The PO now resides in Purchase Order History

5. Confirming the items have been ordered

If you wanted to confirm that an item has been ordered, you would hop over to the Inventory Page to easily confirm.

This is the example taken from that PO that I will locate in Inventory.

Access the Inventory page from the Side-bar Menu

Enter the Model Number at the top search field

the item pops right up and I can clearly see there are 4 currently on order.

The info mark explains exactly what the term ordered means.

If I click on the eyeball icon, I can clearly see the details that were entered on the

Purchase Order.

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